

11 Essential Guidelines for Using Industrial Tools and Equipment

11 Essential Guidelines for Using Industrial Tools and Equipment


Industrial tools and equipment are meant to make our life easy and to make our work duration less. However, with that comes the need to take precautions to prevent further injuries. 


According to Dr Biplab Mishra, professor of surgery at AIIMS Trauma Centre, “Machine-cut and crush injuries to limbs are quite common in factory workers. We do get such cases, and many require surgery to repair the damage.”


MVIKAS, India’s First 5 PL Company, wants to ensure your safety is protected through these 11 crucial tips to prevent injuries while using industry tools and equipment. 


So, read till the end! 


1. Safety Training 


Educating yourself or getting educated on how to use industrial tools and equipment will help you prevent serious injuries. Providing necessary instructions before using the tools is crucial to minimise the risk. 


It allows you to identify any potential dangers before it’s too late, allowing you to take the necessary precautions and making the place where you work a secure environment. Also, make sure to go through the instructions on how to use the instruments to avoid further injuries. 


You have to understand that these are tools, and within a split second, they can cause huge damage. So, educate or get yourself trained on how to use the tools and equipment to stay safe. 


2. Dress Properly


Are you going to work with loose clothes, dangling jewellery, or loose strands of hair?


Well, if you so, you are adding a recipe for disaster. 


So, wearing a proper outfit, removing dangling jewellery, tying up your hair, and wearing appropriate non-slip boots will help. While you are handling industrial tools and equipment, ensure you are following the safety instructions wisely. 


3. Wear Protective Equipment


Another crucial tip to stay out of danger is to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) to stay out of danger. Your eyes are a sensitive area, and debris, dust, and fibreglass, once they enter your eyes, can cause blindness. So, grab a pair of safety glasses to keep your eyes protected. 


Wear a helmet to protect your head if you are working in tall areas or buildings and wear a pair of gloves to protect your hands from cutting hurt. Working in too loud areas can cause damage to your eardrum, so wear a pair of earplugs to cut out the noise and prevent hearing loss. 


4. Examine Your Tools and Equipment On a Regular Basis


A small carelessness can cost your life. So, if you are handling industrial tools and equipment, do regular inspections to see if your instruments are in proper condition to avoid injuries. Even your brand-new tools never skip for any loose cracks, breakage, damaged plugs, or exposed wires. 


Make sure to do a routine inspection, and if you find any small cracks or damage in the tools, ask your manager or director to get them replaced. 


5. Keep Your Equipment Off When Not in Use


Another tip for staying safe while you are at work with tools and instruments is to turn them off when not in use. Keeping them on or on stand-by can be hazardous because your work colleagues may not know it is on, and any accidents can happen. 


Always plugged out or stored in its proper place to make your work place a safe place to work in. 


6. Use Proper Lighting 


Keeping your workstation with proper lighting ensures to prevent damages that can caused. Many companies or people, when using tools or power equipment, go ahead with the dimly lit rooms, which can be dangerous. 


So, ensure your workstation is properly lit to prevent any dangerous accidents. 


7. Keeping Your Workstation Clean and Tidy


Do you work in a place where there is clutter and wire and power lines lying everywhere?


Well, if so, you want to tidy that first to ensure that accidents and injuries are prevented. Moreover, your workplace can pose a major threat, which can lead to various accidents. 


So, keep it tidy and store away your power tools from flammable liquids. 


8. Use Ground Tools 


Do your industrial tools and equipment have a three-prong?


Go for a plug that has three holes for electrical receptability. Moreover, if you are working in damp areas, be extra careful to keep your feets and hands dry as possible. 


What you can do if you happen to work in a wet area is by placing a rubber mat and placing a wooden tool on it and doing work work to prevent electrical shock. 


9. Handle Your Industrial Tools and Equipment Properly


Tools can be dangerous, and keeping a firm grip and handling with proper care can minimise further accidents. So, using such powerful tools ensures you are wearing the right clothes and shoes and keeping a firm grip on the instruments. 


10. Take Extra Precaution 


Accidents happen when you are being careless. So, ensure that all your instruments are kept in the proper place and your workstation is well kept. Always keep way your electrical tools, which have a wire from sharp edges, to prevent cuts. Also, wear protective gloves, glasses, and helmets to prevent injuries. 


11. Stay Calm and Confident 


Keep yourself calm and collected while using industrial tools and equipment. If you are under alcohol influence, stay away from power tools, and if you are unwell, avoid using instruments. 


Do not use tools and equipment when you are distracted or emotionally disturbed; it can cause injuries and damage. 




To conclude, follow these 11 crucial tips while you are using industrial tools and equipment for your safety and the safety of everyone at your workstation. Always remember, to make your work place safe, safety comes first. 




  1. What are industrial tools and equipment?


Industrial tools and equipment are machines and devices used in factories and workplaces to perform tasks like cutting, drilling, lifting, and assembling products.


  1. Why are guidelines important for using industrial tools?


Guidelines ensure safety, efficiency, and proper use of tools. They help prevent accidents, maintain equipment, and ensure quality work in industrial settings.


  1. How can I ensure safety when using industrial tools?


Wear appropriate protective gear, follow manufacturer instructions, inspect tools before use, keep work areas clean, and never operate machinery if unsure.


  1. What should I do if a tool malfunctions during use?


Immediately stop using it, disconnect the power, and report the issue to a supervisor or maintenance personnel. Do not attempt to fix it yourself.


  1. How should I maintain industrial tools and equipment?


Regularly clean, lubricate, and inspect tools for damage or wear. Follow maintenance schedules provided by manufacturers to ensure safe and efficient operation.

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